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Event Cancellation Coverage

April 15, 2022

Event Cancellation Coverage

Suppose your special occasion is unexpectedly canceled or postponed due to circumstances beyond your control, such as bad weather or a death. In that case, special event cancellation insurance may assist cover non-refundable down payments for services such as food, flowers, photos, entertainment, etc. The insurer will also cover you if the paid vendor goes out of business before your event.

Based on the entire cost of your event, you typically choose a “limit,” which is the highest amount your insurer will compensate. However, before the insurance reimburses you for a covered loss, you may be required to pay a deductible.

Some other expenses that may be included in your coverage are special attire, jewelry, photographs, professional counseling, etc. Remember, prior to purchasing any policy; you should speak to your agent and specify what costs are covered. 

Findalowrate at your service

The policy is designed to cover almost any unexpected circumstance that necessitates the cancellation, abandonment, interruption, or postponement of the event. Get your event cancellation insurance from Findalowrate now. It’s quick and hassle-free.